Saturday, June 20, 2009

monthly horoscope

Watch out on the 1st and 2nd because you're paddling a canoe through some rough waters. Drop a piece of your salami sandwich overboard when the water calms to test for piranhas. If there are any, they'll gobble that sandwich right up. And you'll know now is not the time for a skinny dip! Don't worry, though, this month also holds plenty of days that are perfect for a lovely, relaxing swim in sunshine-dappled waters. The coast is looking much clearer on the 5th and 6th. In fact, you feel positively dreamy. Go ahead and fantasize -- you could be surprised by just how soon your imaginings become reality, if you give them free rein now. The news could not be better on the 10th and 11th, and you could not be cuter! By the 15th and 16th, you are ready to be bombarded by love tokens. Guess what? You will be! Make sure you haven't been skipping too many workouts on the 21st and 22nd. If you have been, now's the time to commit to doing everything you can for your health. Collect money owed you on the 27th. Luck is on your side on the 30th.


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